Our Services

24 Hour Locksmith

Locked out of car or home? Lost Keys and got no Spare? Call our 24 Hr Locksmith Service Now!

Emergency Locksmith

Need a Car Door Unlocked? We provide Emergency Locksmith services 24/7.

Residential Locksmith

Doors, Locks, Hardware, Home Security... We provide 360 degree Residential Locksmith services.

Auto/Car Locksmith

We repair, replace all automobiles, cars, trucks or RV keys. Car Door Unlocking Services...

Commerical Locksmith

Potomac Locksmith is a pioneer in innovative commercial security solutions..

Industrial Locksmith

Potomac ocksmith is an end-to-end provider of industrial locksmith security solutions.

Commercial Locksmith, Potomac, Maryland MD

Commercial locksmith service provided by Potomac Locksmith in Potomac of Maryland state in the United State is reputed for being qualitative and the most reliable. This is because of our team of professional locksmiths that has years of experience in the field of locksmith services. That’s why; we are able to provide a wide range of commercial security solutions to our clients from distinguished organizations. Our scope of locksmith service is not limited to specific company or origination only, we are rather providing comprehensive level of locksmith service to all industries be it small or the largest ones.

We pride ourselves in providing you 24x7x365 days emergency commercial locksmith solutions. Therefore, we ensure you that you receive our service anytime whenever you feel to hire our service. Our service includes duplicating and upgrading, lock repair/replacement and installation, re-cutting lost keys, rekeying, master rekeying, and hardware/security hardware installed, maintenance of every type of locks and much more. Our locksmith technicians carry special service vans loaded with all modern and technical tools. They will rush to you in a second and give your commercial requirement high end security solutions.

Our valuable customer satisfying and reliable services are targeted towards providing commercial locksmith services in the Potomac region of MD. We help you by calling off unnecessary troubles in the business through adopting such measures which can be beneficial for your company’s security. Working 24 hr at your service, we are committed towards your security at rates which you won’t believe, $ 15 per visit!

Commercial Locksmith Services by Potomac Locksmith:

  • Access Control Systems.
  • File Cabinet Locks.
  • High Security Locks.
  • Lock Change.
  • Lock Installation.
  • Lock Re-Key/Master Re-Key.
  • Lock Repair.
  • Panic Bars Installed.
  • Peephole Installation.